Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Every twenty-eight hours a black man, woman, or child is murdered by police or vigilante law enforcement.

No, they did not invent this lie, however they have done more to perpetuate this lie then any other group.  Even after being shown that this lie is just that a lie, they refuse to amend or remove the offending lie.  This is a very inflammatory statement that has done much to draw people in and make them angry.
Lets examine this lie, where it originated, and most important, why is it a bold faced lie.
The person who brought this lie to mainstream was Mark Lemont Hill.  He got this false and misleading information from referencing a 2013 report by the Malcolm X Grassroots Movement, the report was called (Operation Ghetto Storm)  This report was about as biased as a report can be.  Mark Hill could not even keep the facts correct and managed to misrepresent an already incorrect report.  He claimed every 28 hours an UNARMED black man is killed, patently false and done to incite hate and fear.
Now why do I say its a lie?  These race baiting hate mongers keep insisting that every 28 hours a black person is killed by police or vigilantes.   However, what they don't tell you is how many of these killings were unarmed blacks, it does not tell you how many killings where armed blacks. Most importantly they make no adjustments for lawful killings of armed and or dangerous suspects.
When you make misleading statements it is hurtful to the community and does not give a detailed and accurate picture of the issue.  It is very hard for me to accept a group of people who even after being shown that they are spreading false information, they refuse to adjust it.  Why?  Because to do so would destroy most of the crap they are spewing. 
As to Malcom X Grass roots movement, yet one more great race bait group purposely mudded facts with fiction and mislead many people with this unprofessional and unscientific report. 
 Someone took the time to actually fact check
So this is what I have to say to Black Lives Matter, stop the lies, stop spreading hate and in the future fact check your crap before you spew crap.

Even The Start Of Black Lives Matter is a lie.

During the Mike Brown shooting is when we first started to see these black lives matter people appear.  It started as a hashtag and now has grown into a full fledged hate group.  A hate group that is designed to oppress whites and blame them for the failings of the black community.

The truth about who started the Black Lives Matter movement:

The Black Lives Matter is an evolution of the Black Life Matters which was created as the result from a Million Hoodie Protest in Hollywood, LA organized by Black Life Matters on March 24th, 2012.

The three people who claim to have started this movement are Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors, and Opal Tometi did nothing more then take the original concept and change a word.  They then go so far as to tell others not to derive off of their work, while the complete time the neglect to provide credit where credit is due.  I find this funny as hell, considering the work these three ladies did was nothing more then a  derivative of Black Life Matters.

These 3 ladies have profited and accepted credit for work they did not perform yet have the audacity to lecture others about giving proper credit.

It is clear to me, and I hope many of you reading this will see that even the start of this violent hate group was based on lies and have continued to spread lies and hate.  Topics I will touch on in later posts.

One of the missions they claim is to fight anti-black racism, however they do so by starting anti-white racism.  Don't know about you but this is not how to move race relations forward.

Lets be clear, these people are using the current struggles in order to enrich their wallets.

Next we will be talking about the lies contained on the BlackLivesMatter website.


Black Lives Matter are peacful.

Every time I get into a conversation with this hate group, I am told that they are not about violence, they are not racist and they don't hate white people.

Yet, all over twitter, with very little effort, you can find contrary information that shows this group for what it truly is.  Black Lives Matter is no different then the KKK, Black Panthers, or any other hate group.

After talking to BLM members as well as capturing threats on twitter, it is clear that this is not a peaceful group, it is clear they do not wish to see race relations improve, it is clear they want white people dead.

Personally I am tired of it.  In the past I never cared about a persons color, I cared about the character of the person.  I was never afraid to walk down the street in a black area.  Now, not  fucking hope in hell I would, the risk is to great.  All the Black Lives Matter ass hats have managed to do is set race relations back 20 years.

The fact is, the complete Black Lives Matter group is a hate group, filled with liars, criminals, and highly racist people.  Look at many of the so called leaders of this group.  Look at where the funding for this group comes from.  I will over the next few weeks be exposing lots of information that I hope leads to criminal investigations.

Here is my message to you Black Lives Matter.  Come kill me, come try and rape my daughter or my wife.  I will not hesitate to put you down like the scum you are.  Conceal carry is a beautiful thing.

Here are some of the posts I have captured showing the Black Lives Matter people in their true light.